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Product Information
Opteon™ YF (R-1234yf) is a non-ozone depleting, low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerant that was initially developed to meet the EU Mobile Air Conditioning (MAC) Directive, which called for new automobiles to use refrigerant with a GWP of less than 150, and has since become the standard refrigerant for the majority of automotive manufacturers globally.

ASHRAE #: R-1234yf or HFO-1234yf
ASHRAE and ISO817 Safety Rating: A2L

• Non-ozone depleting hydrofluoroolefin (HFO) – Not subject to phaseout under Montreal Protocol
• Low GWP refrigerant
• Performance and operating characteristics similar to R-134a
• Cooling capacity and energy efficiency similar to R-134a
• Thermally stable under extreme use conditions encountered in MAC systems

Additional Information
• Opteon™ YF is compatible with POE lubricants and PAGs that have been formulated specifically for use with R-1234yf.
• Opteon™ YF cannot be used for retrofit applications.
• Opteon™ YF may require additional safety measures during implementation, use, and service compared to
R-134a, due to its A2L classification.
• Opteon™ YF will require the use of accessories and toolings that meet the following standards:
– Recovery/RRR equipment: J2843, J2851, and/or VDA
– Leak detectors: J2913 and/or VDA
– Refrigerant identifiers: J2927 or J2912 and/or VDA
– Evaporators: ISO 13043 and/or SAE J2842